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    About us ...

    TheTackGuide.com is a unique service, operated by an Independent Qualified English Saddler with over 25 years experience in the European Saddlery Trade ... our advice and referral services are free to all saddle buyers.

    TheTackGuide website was conceived and first published in 2001, when a Qualified English Saddler, with 20+ year's experience in the European Saddlery Trade, realized that un-biased and informed advice was not available online to riders when choosing a suitable high-quality saddle for their horse.   Soon after TheTackGuide went online it began to receive an increasingly large number of inquiries and requests for saddle advice. Website visits have increased year after year to the point where we only just manage to reply within 24hrs to all saddlesearch requests, and emails....but we try!   Saddle Stores may only be interested in selling saddles of the brands they choose to hold in stock and promote, and their advice may be not giving the buyer a true overall picture of the marketplace. We are not Dealers, we are independent saddlers and do not promote any particular saddle brand without a good reason. We have links with many leading European Saddle Stores, and can specifically recommend to buyers the Stores who we know offer the best export service and export price deals, and offer the best advice and back-up.

    'English Riding' is continuing to grow in popularity worldwide, and we find that riders there are increasingly confident to buy their new saddle from Europe, as all the European Dealers we recommend to buyers we know to be professional, long-established, and have proved they can deal quickly and efficiently with export sales, offering payment systems by secure online server or bank transfer.  We know Saddle Dealers who will supply new saddles to most countries of the world, offering very competitive shipping prices.... USA, Canada, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, South America, Middle East and Europe are major markets.

    The global popularity of TheTackGuide is now proven by it's top-level ranking on the major Search Engines, so we can now offer companies a top-level platform for global marketing and promotion in the equestrian field.  We have a Marketing Consultant who can help you promote your equestrian business to your preferred 'marketplace', using the very latest marketing techniques including video, advertorials, viral marketing which can all help take your product/service to a new level in an increasingly competitive world.

    Riders in different countries have different criteria when buying equipment for their horse, and we know that US buyers, for example, are much more likely to go for a high quality product, so the savings they make when buying a saddle from Europe can be very worthwhile for them, even when including the shipping charges.  Also new saddles in many sizes and colours can be more readily available in Europe, whereas overseas Retailers often hold limited inventory and only offer long delivery times for 'custom' orders. 

    We list the latest best New Saddle Prices on offer in Europe for the most popular quality brands, and we try to keep up to date with the latest innovations and designs on our New Products and Monthly Feature webpages.  Prices shown are only a guide and we may be able to find you an even better deal if you email us.

    English Saddlemakers are great craftsmen, and can hand-make the very best saddles in the world, but their saddlemaking skills are often not matched by their marketing and promotional skills in competitive world markets.  TheTackGuide can help buyers choose the very best saddle for their needs, be it dressage, jumping, eventing or all purpose....we can also guide you if you choose to have a new saddle made to your specific requirements, and we can recommend and refer you to a top quality saddlemaker.


    There are increasing numbers of European Saddlery 'Stores' offering new saddles and saddlery products for sale online to world markets. Please be aware that a great many of these 'professional looking' Stores do not hold much stock/inventory, if any at all!... and are not proper Retail Stores in the true sense of the word, as many will not have bona-fide Retail premises to visit.

    TheTackGuide is a Free Advice Service, helping you buy your new saddle from a genuine 'authorised' European Dealer, most of whom we have visited and know that they offer a professional and competent export sales business... our reputation depends on the quality of service our buyers receive from the Dealer to whom we have referred them.  Check out some Testimonials we have received.

We can advise you of any 'pitfalls' to watch out for when importing European products into your country. It must be stated that there are very few problems we have encountered over many years of arranging saddle sales to North America, South America, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Eastern Europe, UAE, etc.  New saddles can be easily imported from Europe to most countries.  HOWEVER, a few countries, especially Australia, can be difficult when trying to import USED saddles, due to their stringent animal health restrictions.



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ŠTheTackGuide 2001-2011